I spent a few hours trying to fit in the recursive version of Towers of Hanoi (e.g., see here: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cburch/survey/recurse/hanoiimpl.html):
FUNCTION MoveTower(disk, source, dest, spare): IF disk == 0, THEN: move disk from source to dest ELSE: MoveTower(disk - 1, source, spare, dest) move disk from source to dest MoveTower(disk - 1, spare, dest, source) END IF
Previously, I succeeded doing this for the Microtronic - the Microtronic doesn't offer a native stack, nor programmatic access to the RAM! RAM is only for program memory (-> Harvard Architecture), and writable memory is register memory only. So implementing a stack for recursion is not so straight forward, but it is possible by shifting its set of 16 "extra registers" up and down to emulate push and pop operations to a stack (altogether, the Microtronic has 2x 16 4bit registers):
Also, there are no computed or "indirect" jumps - it is not possible to put a return address in a register (or memory) location and simply jump "indirectly" to the address stored there.
Hence, I used numeric jump labels and something I called a "jump block" - to do a computed jump (i.e., a return from a recursive call or subroutine to a variable address), I am comparing a register that I set up to act as "return" register to these numeric jump labels and execute conditional jumps accordingly.
Putting the 2 techniques together I was then able to implement both a value and a return stack and hence could execute the recursive version of the towers of Hanoi for up to n=4 disks; you can find the Microtronic program here to get the idea: https://github.com/lambdamikel/picoram2090/blob/main/software/1.1/HANOI.MIC
Would the same techniques work for the Science Fair? In particular, since the Science Fair offers indexed memory access - load & store to the data region from 0x50 - 0x5F via the Y "index" register is possible, using the op-codes `AM (4)` and `MA (5)`, I though at least the stack implementation should be much more straight forward:
4 | AM | 4 | M(Y) <- A 5 | MA | 5 | A <- M(Y)
And indeed, using the Y-register as index into the data region, and being able to do "stack arithmetics" using the `AIY (B)` op-code
B | AIY n | B n | Y <- Y + n
worked like a charm - much more straight-forward than on the Microtronic!
Like with the Microtronic, "computed" jumps to computed target addresses stored in memory or a register are impossible, so I require the same "jump block" mechanism for the Science Fair as well.
Unfortunately, I ran out of program space on the Science Fair - I would have needed exactly 15 more nibbles! My program overlaps with the data region (from 0x50 on) that I would need for the (value and return) stack - but in principle, the ideas are sound, and it should work (if I only had more space...)
But here is the program so far:
// CONCLUSIONS - DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY :-( // JUMP BLOCK OVERLAPS DATA REGION (50... ) // // Towers of HANOI on the Science Fair Microcomputer Trainer // (C) 2024 by LambdaMikel // // Memory and registers need to be set up manually: // // 1. Load n = 1, 2, 3, 4 into B (@ 6C) // 2. Point Y (@ 6E) to 53 // 3. Load Label 0 into 53 // // 4. Set up first stack frame by hand: // 50 = SOURCE : A // 51 = DEST : C // 52 = SPARE : B // 53 = RET : 0 // // // MoveTower(n, source, dest, spare) // 00 2 CH GET n value from B: A <- B 01 C CIA 1 A <> 1 ? -> FLAG = 1, JUMP REC. CASE 02 F JUMP REC CASE @ OB - JUMP executed when FLAG = 1 (A <> 1) 03 0 04 B // A = 1 // Base case // Y points to RET label // move disk from source to dest // no mem space for output! only n display 05 1 A0 HEX DISP 06 2 CH Store n value back into B: A -> B 07 F JUMP JUMP BLOCK @ 50 08 5 09 0 // A > 1 // Recursive case // Y points to RET label // Compute n - 1 by adding F (= Sub 1) 0A 9 AIA F (= SUB 1) 0B F 0C 2 CH Store A = n-1 into B: A -> B // Prepare first recursive call: // // MoveTower(disk-1, source, spare, dest) // Stack:
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