
GSM device remote control

"Phone" like device to control GSM enabled appliances, like driveway gates, garage doors, building alarm systems

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SIM800 based "small" remote, which can dial phone numbers or send SMS to preconfigured numbers. Controlled by Arduino pro mini, with OLED display, 2500mAh Lipol battery, TP4056 USB-C charger, speaker and microphone. Body is resin printed

I did this project because I was annoyed with having to use my phone while driving to open the gate, which is GSM controlled by calling its number, and takes a while to open, so you really want to call in advance. This way I can just push two buttons.

It can also be used as a normal "phone"; it can make calls to any number, it has speaker and microphone, although both suck. I guess it's better than a smartphone with dead battery.

Theoretically, it can last 104 days in stand-by, with sleep consumption of ±1mA. But there are some problems with putting the display to sleep, so it sometimes draws a lot of current even when "off", so it's more like 3 days lol

Putting all the components in a small package sucks, with all the wires it's really hard to make it fit. It's held by tape now; it was designed to be glued, but I didn't want to do that yet. A better version should be on a custom PCB, just for the connections, I would keep the off-the-shelf boards. Maybe with a mosfet for the display.



ino - 6.53 kB - 03/02/2024 at 16:17


Remote phone v11.f3d

Fusion 360 project file

fusion - 1.70 MB - 03/02/2024 at 16:16


  • 1 × SIM800L GSM module, the cheapest one is also the smallest
  • 1 × Arduino pro mini, ATmega328P
  • 1 × TP4056 USB-C charger Modified with 3K3 R3 resistor to limit charge current
  • 1 × 0.91" 128x32 OLED display, I2C
  • 1 × Speaker 1W 8 Ohm - 14 x 20 mm

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  • 1
    Step 1

    1. don't do this

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