
Phase 0 - Specifications - 29/02 to 7/03

A project log for CubexStress

"Find tranquillity in the palm of your hand with our stress-relief toy – where relaxation meets playfulness."

julianbaronjulian.baron 03/13/2024 at 16:160 Comments

Phase 0 - Specifications : 

Project Overview - Create an interactive experience for anxious people.

Our objective is to create an interactive experience for anxious people so that they feel more calm and comfortable in stressful environments.

Our product is an anti-stress toy that is : 

Scope - Updating old prototype 

Specification Phase: During this phase, we determined the optimal size for the fidget toy and outlined its primary features. Our goal was to ensure the toy is both functional and convenient to carry. The features we decided on include.

Parts kept :

Parts left out :

New Parts added :

Functional Requirements - Project requirements - Organization and Planning

Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
ObjectivePiano, Gears, Modules
End Results
finished product ready for production
FocusFunctional electronics and final product done
Easy to fix
Piano, Gears, Light Bulb, Modules
easy to enter the box
TestingCode, Fast prototyping
structural capability
ValidationsNEEDS TO WORK
