Our project is a robot inspired by R2D2. It will be able to follow 2 distinct modes, an autonomous one and another manual mode in which it will be controlled by us using a controller. We thought of adding multiple features on the autonomous mode of our robot such as following a person and avoiding obstacles. Its main function would be to assist people by displaying information on a screen.
In order to do all that, we thought of many ways to do it.
For the robot to follow people (autonomous mode), we thought of using a sound wave emitter shaped into something like a gadget (a lightsaber maybe) that the user will carry, and receptors would be attached to our robot for it to detect the sound emitted so that it can follow its user. (just like a sonar). We also thought of using a Pixy camera in order for the robot to follow people when detecting a specific color.
Additional features : - a microphone for it to detect our voice
sound emitters to reproduce the droid’s sound effects
As a group of 4 students, all with their differences and specificities, one passion were uniting us all : our admiration for the franchise that is Star Wars. What's the most iconic thing in Star Wars other than lightsabers ? The droids of course, and who's the most iconic droide in the franchise, R2D2 obviously. That's we've decided to build a miniature replica of this droid.
First of all, we've checked online for existing projects of robots building and compared it with the characterisitcs of the droid, from what we could see in the movies. By doing that, we've enumerated a list of features that we thought could be added to our robot. On the other hand, we also had to supress some other iconic features that were out of our range such as hologram projection or tazzer mode.
The main features we've retained and that we intend to add on our robots are :
- an LCD touch screen
- interactive sounds effects reproducing what we hear in the movies
- 2 modes on our robot : one controlled mode using a controller, another automatic mode