
Beautify Your Bash Prompt

A simple tweak for Linux enthusiasts to elevate their terminal experience.

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The purpose of this is to customize the terminal by adding some features and nice colors.


  • Current date and time.
  • Full current working directory.
  • Exit status of the previous command.
  • Lots of space to write bash commands.
  • Clear separation of previous commands.
  • Execution time of the previous command.


The custom bash prompt. Copy this file to your home directory.

bash_prompt - 2.83 kB - 03/14/2024 at 20:57


  • 1
    How to install the bash prompt

      Check for Existing .bash_prompt:

      First, you need to check if there's already a .bash_prompt file in your home directory. Execute the following command:
    ls ~ -a | grep .bash_prompt

      Rename Existing '.bash_prompt':

      If you find an existing .bash_prompt and want to keep it as a backup, rename it using:
    mv ~/.bash_prompt ~/.bash_prompt_OLD

      Download and Move New .bash_prompt:

      Download the bash_prompt file from my project post. After downloading, move the file to your home directory and rename it to .bash_prompt:
    mv ~/Downloads/bash_prompt ~/.bash_prompt

      Update .bashrc:

      Now, you need to update your .bashrc file to ensure it uses the new .bash_prompt. Open .bashrc with nano:
    nano ~/.bashrc
      At the end of the file, add the following line to source the .bash_prompt:
    source ~/.bash_prompt
      Save the file by pressing Ctrl-S and exit nano with Ctrl-X.

      Apply the Changes:

      To apply the changes and use the new bash prompt, source your .bashrc file:
    source ~/.bashrc

      Set A Dark Background:

      Visual Studio has a pleasantly dark background that we all love. The hex code for it is: #1F1F1F. Set the color by pressing the button with horizontal lines on it ⟶ Preferences ⟶ Unnamed ⟶ Colours ⟶ Background.

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