

A project log for LoRa->4G Gateway_Soil monitoring with Cloud Server

To make a simple LoRa-to-4G gateway, you only need an ESP32S3 based 4G LTE module and a LoRa Expansion Board.

makerfabsMakerfabs 03/15/2024 at 06:240 Comments

What you need are just:

Note: detect the soil moisture/air humidity/temperature and broadcast every 60 minutes.

This gateway is composed of ESP32S3 4G LTE A7670 module and A LoRa radio expansion

Note: LoRa communication needs the sender& receiver to work at the same frequency. The frequency of the LoRa Soil Moisture Sensor is 915MHz, so the frequency of the LoRa Expansion Board needs to be 915MHz as well.
