
VoytiBoyd ! A T-Tiny homage to a classic toy!

21st Century take on a 1970s Helicopter Toy!

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In the early 70s, many North American kids enjoyed the Mattel VertiBird, a tethered helicopter you could fly and pick up various characters, cars and objects.


I wanted to build one that used more modern technology including a microcontroller.

Luke J Barker on Hackaday built a great version a few years back and I'm appreciative of many of the 3D printed parts he provides which I used in my version.

In my project, I use an ATTiny85 microcontroller and a servo to control the tilt/direction of the helicopter. It has just enough GPIO pins to control the motor and servo and has enough analog inputs for the speed and directional potentiometers.

My version replicates the 'Airborne Rescue' version of the original toy.

A very enjoyable project that I'll be sharing with grandchildren and grand nieces/nephews.

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crcasey wrote 03/25/2024 at 02:12 point

So I got a VertiBird after looking at it, I can't remember if it was Sears or Wards, it was some Christmas catalog..  But The Christmas catalog, the one with the dog eared pages.  I knew I wanted to fly.  My parents were wonderful, It came Christmas day, and the cable drive hade a kink in it.  No matter what you did to the motor it would not spin.

It was a idea I had.  I wanted to keep it.

I have never gotten to do flying that dream. 

I still don't feel like not Vertibirding was a total loss.  But it hurt.

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Gord Payne wrote 03/18/2024 at 19:14 point

Thanks Dan! I'm honoured to receive feedback from such a distinguished engineer! Best wishes!, Gord

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Dan Maloney wrote 03/18/2024 at 17:11 point

VertiBird was one of my favorite toys! I got one when it first came out in the early 70s, played it until it broke. I then bought another in the 80s when I was in high school and felt absolutely no shame in doing so -- still an awesome toy!

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