
Home Electrical Transfer Switch

A project log for Toyota Camry Hybrid Glow up To Save The World

That's right, the Toyota Camry Hybrid is going to save the world. Don't believe me, follow along as an old 2007 transforms into awesome.

sciencedude1990sciencedude1990 05/17/2024 at 20:460 Comments

In order to power my place, I installed a transfer switch.  I went with the Reliance Controls 310CRKNC from Costco.  Below is what I did.  This is for information only - always consult an electrician/have inspections done/etc.

First, I installed the 30A inlet box for outdoors.  Drilled a hole in the wall, and secured the wiring in the box.  Note the "floating neutral" sticker.  The neutral and ground are ultimately connected together at my service entrance, so I configured my generator as "floating neutral".

The receptacle is actually underneath, with a little cover.

For inside the house, I brought the wiring into a disconnect switch.  This is over and above local code, but it made for a nice demarcation for how the lines, ground, and neutral are connected.

Inside the disconnect box, the generator wires are at the top.  The two "lines" go to the 30A fuses, the ground goes to the ground bar, and the neutral goes to the isolated neutral bar.  The ground and neutral go back to the main panel, and ultimately to the service entrance where they are connected together at the one point.  The two lines and ground go to the transfer switch on the right.

The Canadian Electrical Code is a little different than the US, so I can't make the transfer switch connections inside the main load center.  So, I used a giant junction box (BUD industries JBH-4960-KO) to bring the connections for each circuit to the transfer switch.

Below is a picture.  The generator power comes from the disconnect at the bottom left.  Each of the breakers from the main load center go into the junction box (connected to the "red" wires from the transfer switch).  Then, you go through the transfer switch, back to the giant box (the "black wires" from the transfer switch), and then out to the branch circuits.  I put a sticker on the giant junction box indicating power is fed from potentially two locations.

I used two whips - one for the "red" wires, and one for the "black" wires, to keep things easier to manage.  The transfer switch comes with a metallic whip, but the carlon nonmetallic is little easier to flex.

Inside the junction box, it is a little busy, but manageable.  I got the whole thing inspected too - joy!


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