
Session 4 - 09/04/24

A project log for Kamalia

We want to create a kinetic project with wood and 3D printing,

nejNEJ 04/09/2024 at 14:480 Comments

So we wanted to try our project so at first we tried with paper board but it was impossible and way to shitty for a "shitty prototype". We decided to focus on a better prototype with less waves for the test.

For the waves design, we were worried about the solidity of the wood but after a pretty laser-cutted piece, we saw that it was perfect (solid but still light enough).
BUT we faced a new problem, actually the cricle supposed to fit into the wave's hole was too small, despite having increased it the first time.

Last but not least, the main axe. So we planned to make it in a round shape and on the 3d printer. But we thought that a square shape could be more optimal for a "shitty prototype". There is no axe in the lab, regardless of the material so we have to modelise it.
