
Progression with the Motor, Wheels and the new Functionality

A project log for Smart Arduino Car

Creating Arduino Car with Differential Gears

nicholas-fredseitznicholas-fred.seitz 06/03/2024 at 19:060 Comments

Due to an error in logic and knowledge, we decided to use a small motor that was handed to us. This small motor was supposed to power the input shaft of the differential gear. Due to the length of the gear and the low amount of torque, the motor could not generate enough power to turn the differential gear which has admittedly several places that create friction. So using a saw we cut 2/3 of the shaft off and added a stronger motor which turns slower.

This was the first try of the input shaft. It wobbled too much and it wasn't stable. The wood holding the motor and shaft was not high enough to reach the main gear of the differential gear which is why we tried to add higher leverage to the already bad construction.

Following this we changed the motor to a higher torque motor:
After a bit of woodwork, we came up with a stable holder that stabilizes the motor. This construction made it into the final product.
Through this, we are finally able to fully use the differential gear and use it in the way it was meant to be used. So our next goal was to add the wheels. Due to the gigantic size of the crown wheel, the wheels also have to have a large diameter. So we decided to go with Cardboard wheels, they are not very heavy and with the correct reinforcements its also quite stable.
So after adding the wheels we finally could try if they turned correctly and they did. After having time issues and discussing what our car could be used for we decided to make the car a shovel car. Having this new idea in mind we added a shovel in front.
Which makes this our product, on top of that we tried to add line sensors with arduino.
