

A simple OS for ESP8266 and Arduino

Similar projects worth following
An operating system that is designed for microcontrollers, specifically for ESP8266 and Arduino. Written in C++. It is recommended to use PuTTY as a serial interface.


- Arduino IDE

- A microcontroller


- Tested on ESP8266 and Arduino Uno R4 Wifi

- It may be necessary to make minor adjustments if you want to run it on different microcontrollers.

- SysInfo: View information about the system.
- Calculator: A simple calculator.

Major update

The old esp-kernel is replaced by lanskern-embeded. Lanskern-embeded is an embedded version of Lanskern, one of my kernel projects. Its main goal is to make os development cross-platform compatible without major changes. Current versions will be developed for the new kernel.

A new timer interrupt-based scheduler is being developed for the kernel. This will allows for better scheduling of tasks, which leads to better responsiveness.

Direct syscall program removed due to major changes in the kernel.

New programs and features will be added in the future.

Check out the GitHub for the latest versions.

I'm not a professional and some information could be wrong!

Pre-release version 2.0.0 of the OS.

Zip Archive - 124.08 kB - 10/26/2024 at 21:07


Version for Arduino.

x-zip-compressed - 8.78 kB - 03/29/2024 at 21:27


Latest 1.x.x version of ESP-OS.

x-zip-compressed - 8.67 kB - 03/28/2024 at 23:13


  • Version 2.0.0 pre-release

    Benjamin H.10/26/2024 at 21:05 0 comments

    Major update
    Pre-release version of ESP-OS. This version includes major changes, for example a new kernel.
    New features
    - New kernel
    - Better future compatibility
    - Better performance
    - Replaced esp-kernel with lanskern-embedded
    - Removed current task scheduler (new scheduler is being developed)
    - Removed Direct Syscall
    - Removed virtual ram for better performance
    - General improvements

  • Arduino Kernel Release 1.1

    Benjamin H.03/29/2024 at 21:26 0 comments

    Arduino Kernel Release 1.1

    Arduino-compatible kernel for the OS. This version includes features of Release 1.1.0. The Arduino kernel will receive only the releases.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Download the version

    Download the version that you want from Releases.

  • 2
    Extract the zip

    Extract the zip file to your desired location. 

  • 3
    Open Arduino IDE and upload

    Open the "esp_os.ino" from the extracted zip. All required files are in the "src" folder. Here's a tutorial if you haven't installed the ESP8266 library yet. Select your board port for example I have COM4 and then click upload. Done! Don't forget to set the serial monitor baud rate to 115200 or it won't function properly.

View all 3 instructions

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