First Version
In the initial version of the case for the joystick and portable charger, I aimed to create a compact, dual-purpose design to be placed on a mini table attached to our project's base to address users' concerns about space limitations in hallways with this product. However, testing revealed that this setup was neither effective nor space-efficient, leading to increased clutter. The limited space of the case itself hindered joystick usage and mobility, prompting a reevaluation of the whole design. I also recognized the need for the portable charger to securely fit in its slot. Additionally, accommodating the joystick wiring became necessary. Upon reflection, I concluded that splitting the case into two parts and mounting it directly onto the motor would be the optimal solution.
Final Version
Joystick Case:
When designing the joystick case, I divided it into three parts: the main section housing the Arduino and joystick; a slideable top cover with a hole for joystick access; and a side door with a hole for sleek wiring integration. The main section featured screw holes and screws for secure mounting of the case on the motor and Arduino onto the case. Priority was placed on effectively housing the Arduino and joystick while ensuring joystick functionality. A screw-based design enhanced security, with the top cover requiring sliding into the main section before screwing into place, further reinforced by attaching the left side cover to both the main section and the top part. Notably, the joystick hole was made 5 mm larger than the joystick for full mobility; a hole matching the joystick size restricts movement.
Portable Battery Case:
When designing the portable battery case, the focus was on ensuring usability for individuals with reduced upper mobility, a common concern among wheelchair users. It was essential for the case to enable independent access to the battery without requiring assistance. User feedback underscored the importance of this feature, leading to the development of a design allowing easy insertion and removal of the portable battery using any joint, with a sliding cover securing it in place through the top slit. Similar to the joystick case, this one was also screwable onto the motor for added security. Positioned on the right side of the motor for convenient access, it met users' preference for quick and independent battery access. In contrast, the joystick case, placed on the left side, didn't require constant visibility or immediate access, as the joystick operation was familiar and less physically demanding for wheelchair users as many wheelchairs use joysticks.
Final Version Printed And Modifications(If Any) Made
Joystick Case:
To See Joystick Case In Use Click Here
No modifications were made to the design, but in the future, I would consider incorporating a feature to completely conceal the wires from the user within this case.
Portable Charger Case:
To See The Portable Charger Case In Use Click Here
I eliminated the sliding cover originally intended for top installation and securing of the portable charger, as testing revealed its usability challenges as it was difficult to use even for someone without any upper mobility issues. Instead, I tightened the hole for the portable charger with a rubber-like material to securely grip the portable charger while still allowing easy removal with the user's joints. Given more time, I would consider incorporating a buttonable buckle with holes(to allow usage of the ports) to further secure the portable charger from the side.
Everything Together:
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