Parts required

Outside Unit

Inside Unit


For outdoor unit, just 4 female jumper cables to connect the Ultrasonic sensor.

Unihiker buttons and relay use the cables that comes with the hardware.

For USB Sound Board, make sure that you connect the board with lights to the back.

There is a simple cable connection to be made in order to power up the amp with the relay and use the same power source to the USBC cable. 


For the external unit a generic waterproof case was used. For the Indoor Unit I have designed a custom enclosure with Fusion 360.

Outside unit

A DFRobot Beetle ESP32C3 with an Ultrasonic distance sensor was placed above the doorstep. Whenever a presence is detected notifications are sent to the family Telegram group and also to a private data channel queried by the Indoor Unit.

Inside Unit

The Indoor Unit is based on a Unihiker board. A Python code is executed at start and to monitor the Telegram data channel. Whenever a new message is received, it will trigger one of 3 sounds:

1. Small ring for regular in-out

2. A “Clear the door” recorded message

3. A horn with an annoying sound

The Indoor Unit has two LED buttons connected to GPIO for sounds customizations.

Audio is played through a small USB sound board connected to a 3 watts amp. A relay, also connected to GPIO, is used to power the amp right before the playback.

All Indoor Unit operations are recorded in a text log and presented in the Unihiker screen.

Unihiker Setup

Connect the USBC Cable from the PC to the Unihiker. Connect with SSH to the assigned IP

The user is root. The password is dfrobot


pip install telethon pandas nltk

Using SFTP with the same SSH credentials, upload /images /sounds

For Autorun, you are not able to use cronjobs or rc.local, the trick for Unihiker is to run the Python script using the touch screen utility and enable "auto boot"

Telegram Setup

Go to the Telegram API website and log in with your Telegram account.

Click on the “API development tools” link.

Create a new application by filling out the form. You’ll receive an API ID and API hash. Replace the placeholders in the script with your actual API ID and API hash.

Go to Telegram App, search botfather, send /start send /newbot

Send also /setprivacy disable

Go to and get your token

Create 2 groups, one for notification and other for control, search the name of the bot created

and add it to the groups.


Extract the ID of each group, like id: -1234567890

Enter that info in the .ino script

Remote Commands

By sending these commands from your Phone to the communications Telegrams group, you will be able to

ring: manually playback the ring sound

despeje: manually playback the “clear the doorstep” in Spanish, sorry

horn: manually playback the horn sound

disable: disable all sounds

enable: enable all sounds

Code settings

Outdoor unit has the following settings

Outdoor unit has the following settings

const char* host = "ESP32C3"; // host name for OTA programming

const int trigPin = 9; // Ultrasonic sensor

const int echoPin = 8; // Ultrasonic sensor

#define BOT_TOKEN "" // Telegram Token

String chatOperativo=""; // Telegram group for indoor-outdoor communications

String chatNotification=""; // Telegram group for familiy notifications

#define WIFI_SSID "" // Router SSID

#define WIFI_PASSWORD "" // Router Pass

String img_url = "YOURSERVERHERE.COM/stepguard.png"; // place stepguard.png in a web server and edit host name

Also edit OTA login password here

"if(form.userid.value=='admin' && form.pwd.value=='admin')"

Inside unit has the following settings

api_id = "" # Telegram API id

api_hash = "" # Telegram API has

myDelay = 5 # Delay in seconds after actions

relay = Pin(Pin.P23, Pin.OUT) # pin settings

buttonWhite = Pin(Pin.P21, Pin.IN) # green boton, used to disable sounds

buttonGreen = Pin(Pin.P22, Pin.IN) # white button

 Wait… is it really necessary?

In certain countries, a system like this might seem unnecessary and somewhat extreme. However, in Buenos Aires, If you have a direct door to the street, you are exposed to groups of drunk people (which is not the worst case scenario). Additionally, you are vulnerable to bronze thieves (individuals who will remove any piece of bronze from your doors and windows without facing any penalty or prison time). There are also “trapitos” gangs (people who extort drivers just to allow them to park on the street, without actually taking care of the cars). And let’s not forget the prevalence of regular thieves.


This could be the first time I have so many beta testers.

More about this project in Maker Counterculture talk