I actually finished the LCD module very soon after the previous log but hadn't gotten around to posting it.
I'll link a short clip of that in action at the end.
As I mentioned briefly in the last log, I wanted to design a better rail system.
I've gone with smooth rails and spring-loaded ball catches that engage with a indent on the module.
They're made using springs from this multi-size pack and these ball bearings (sold as paint mixing balls, but were cheapest and the right size), inside of a printed capsule that screws closed and drops into the main chassis at the end of the rails.
The bottom half of the capsule is a separate part from the chassis, since the plastic threads might fail which would mean reprinting that whole side of the chassis. They will probably be held into the chassis with a bit of double sided tape, that way they can be removed and replaced if the thread of any one capsule breaks. Since there is no pulling force on them, tape should be more than strong enough.
I haven't redesigned the actual chassis to use these yet, but I've printed a proof of concept to confirm it will work, clip at the end.
When I redesign the chassis to use the new rails, I might also revisit the keyboard tray. It is a bit finicky and frankly over complicated. I now realize that I can probably just use the keyboard itself without a tray, and add something onto the front to stop it sliding back out.
That solves two problems; the over complicated and fragile tracks the tray slides on, and adds a lip to stop the keyboard lifting out when turned upside down and straining the USB C plug / keyboard port.
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