
May 3. Update - dynamixel2espressif

A project log for pod, controller board and simulator

Golang hexapod simulator and controller.

hans-jrgen-grimstadHans Jørgen Grimstad 05/03/2024 at 19:010 Comments

I pushed my first component to the Espressif repository today. Yay ! :)

Robotis has a Dynamixel SDK for linux, mac and PC along with an Arduino library (Dynamixel2Arduino). Since I don't want to run the arduino framework, but instead use espressif / FreeRTOS, there was a bit of "impedance" mismatch between available libraries and the toolchain.

The Dynamixel2Arduino is available under Apache 2.0, so I downloaded that, did some minor tweaks (since the c++ compiler in my toolchain seem to be somewhat stricter than the Arduino IDE) and implemented a new version of the port handler class (which is responsible for chatting with the UART).

Except for the DXL constructor the API is unchanged.

I have only done rudimentary testing so far (ping, set position etc), but the espressif port seems to be well behaved.

I have made the espressif version available on the ESP Registry (ESP Component Registry) and on GitHub.
