I decided to release the source code for my hexapod designer / simulator on GitHub. The code is "as is". In other words - no promises :) (I still consider this to be work in progress)
I am also tinkering with a new more generic controller board with more compute "oomph" (Pi CM5 with CANbus/dynamixel/pwm servo interfaces) That would allow mix and match of servo types in the same robot (Just got a batch of Xiaomi Cybergears that I want to play with).
I'm not entirely sure where this is all heading yet, but my gut feeling is that more of the GOIK code is going to end up running on the CM5 in this next version (instead of having to run the simulator on a PC/Mac and then exporting motion primitives for playback on a microcontroller or streaming servo parameters via UDP to the microcontroller)

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