Our goal is to create a drone. But as you already know, there is a lot of easy tutorial of, "how to build your own drone". We don't have a lot of experience on microcontroler and 3D making and printing. We also have no experience on drones. So we decided to focus on the process of the frame making and the process of understanding the code.
In the whole project we lost a lot of time choosing the components that we needed partly because of the budget. Also choosing the project that we wanted to work on and finally the waiting of the different components.
The components
To begin with the components we chose components that were deliverable soon and that were compatible. We had a little issues because the school was not able to order them for us so we did.
-The pack ESC + Flight Controler (left side)
-The Radio Transmiter (middle)
-The Reciver
The professor also lent us motor, propellers and battery.
The Frame
For the Frame, we designed it through the semester and we learned a lot about 3D making. We were going to print it but we had issues to do it because we hadn't the formation and we didn't have the experience that the lab were closing earlier that expected.
We began with this:
Ended up with this :