
Getting Prepared to Launch

A project log for ESP Everywhere - Kickstarter Make/100 Project

A very meta project designed solely to be a part of the Kickstarter Make/100 project. An ESP8266 is involved too.

sean-hodginsSean Hodgins 01/30/2017 at 01:530 Comments

I will be launching this small Make/100 Kickstarter tomorrow! If you want to be part of the project and be one of the 100 to get an assembled board from me, be sure to keep an eye on this project. Or better yet Sub to my Youtube: Http:// When the Kickstarter video goes live on my YouTube, the Kickstarter will also be Live! Starting at 11 a.m. EST. Get there quick!

The BOM has also been updated, and a link provided for the Digikey Cart.
