
STEbus Cards by DSP Design

Some product manuals for STE bus cards from DSP Design

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I have an interest in keeping some systems working that use STEbus cards by DSP Design, information on theses is becoming scarce so have created this resource to preserve product manuals and information relating to these cards


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Richard Marsh wrote 09/30/2024 at 18:36 point

I have invited you to join this project, not heard of the SV25 board before

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stokoet wrote 08/21/2024 at 17:26 point

I have a couple of old DSP Design SV25 CPU cards.

Very new to Hackaday so not sure how to include pictures.

The card has a DSP written monitor in eprom which provides basic memory interrogation, and loading of hex files from serial host etc. The monitor uses one of the two RS232 interfaces and the card has an assortment of IO. Sadly I have no manual for the cards, but have buzzed out a basic collection of link settings for assorted ROM sizes etc.

If you are interested, and you can advise on posting images I will happily upload some.

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