In most cases, conducting only surface-level water quality tests is insufficient to pinpoint the hiding pollutants since contaminants can form in the underwater substrate by the accumulation of the incipient chemical agents. These underwater chemical reactions are commonly instigated by detritus, industrial effluents, and toxic sediment rife in the underwater substrate. After the culmination of the sinking debris, these reactions can engender algal blooms, hypoxia (dead zones), and expanding barren lands[1]. Since the mentioned occurrences are only the result of prolonged water pollution, they lead to the inexorable progress of complex toxic chemical interactions, even with plastic debris[2]. Therefore, the precedence must be given to identifying the underlying conditions of increasing underwater chemical reactions.
Especially in lower substrate levels, before reaching hazardous amounts, the combined chemical reactions between pollutants yield ample gas molecules enough to accumulate small-to-moderate air bubbles underwater. These lurking gas pockets affect aquatic plant root systems, deliver noxious contaminants to the surface level, and alter water quality unpredictably due to prevalent emerging contaminants. As a result of the surge of toxic air gaps, the affected water body can undergo sporadic aquatic life declines, starting with invertebrate and fry (or hatchling) deaths. Although not all instances of underwater air bubble activity can be singled out as an imminent toxic pollution risk, they can be utilized as a vital indicator to test water quality to preclude any potential environmental hazards.
In addition to protecting natural enclosed water bodies, detecting the accumulating underwater pollutants can also be beneficial and profitable for commercial aquatic animal breeding or plant harvesting, widely known as aquaculture. Since aquaculture requires the controlled cultivation of aquatic organisms in artificially enclosed water bodies (freshwater or brackish water), such as fish ponds and aquariums, the inflation of underwater air bubbles transferring noxious pollutants to the surface can engender sudden animal deaths, wilting aquatic plants, and devastating financial losses. Especially for fish farming or pisciculture involving more demanding species, the accumulating air bubbles in the underwater substrate can initiate a chain reaction resulting in the loss of all fish acclimatized to the enclosed water body. In severe cases, this can lead to algae-clad artificial environments threatening terrestrial animals and the incessant decline in survival rates.
After perusing recent research papers on identifying air bubbles in the underwater substrate, I noticed that there are no practical applications focusing on detecting underwater air bubbles and assessing water pollution consecutively so as to diagnose potential toxic contaminants before instigating detrimental effects on the natural environment or a commercial fish farm. Therefore, I decided to develop a feature-rich AIoT device to identify underwater air bubbles via a neural network model by applying ultrasonic imaging as a nondestructive inspection method and to assess water pollution consecutively based on multiple chemical water quality tests via an object detection model. In addition to AI-powered functions, I also decided to build capable user interfaces and a push notification service via Telegram.
Before working on data collection procedures and model training, I thoroughly searched for a natural or artificial environment demonstrating the ebb and flow of underwater substrate toxicity due to overpopulation and decaying detritus. Nevertheless, I could not find a suitable option near my hometown because of endangered aquatic life, unrelenting habitat destruction, and disposal of chemical waste mostly caused by human-led activities. Thus, I decided to set up an artificial aquatic environment simulating noxious air bubbles in the underwater substrate and potential water pollution risk. After conducting a meticulous analysis of fecund aquatic life with which I can replicate fish farm conditions in a medium-sized aquarium, I decided to set up a planted freshwater aquarium for harmonious and proliferating species — livebearers (guppies), Neocaridina shrimp, dwarf (or least) crayfish (Cambarellus Diminutus), etc. In the following steps, I shall explain all species in my controlled environment (aquarium) with detailed instructions.
Since the crux of identifying underwater air bubbles and assessing water pollution simultaneously requires developing an AI-driven device supporting multiple machine learning models, I decided to construct two different data sets — ultrasonic scan data (buffer) and chemical water quality test result (color-coded) images, build two different machine learning models — neural network and object detection, and run the trained models on separate development boards. In this regard, I was able to program distinct and feature-rich user interfaces for each development board, focusing on a different aspect of the complex AI-based detection process, and thus avoid memory allocation issues, latency, reduced model accuracy, and intricate data collection methods due to multi-sensor conflict.
Since Nano ESP32 is a brand-new and high-performance Arduino IoT development board providing a u-blox® NORA-W106 (ESP32-S3) module, 16 MB (128 Mbit) Flash, and an embedded antenna, I decided to utilize Nano ESP32 to collect ultrasonic scan (imaging) information and run my neural network model. Since I needed to utilize submersible equipment to generate precise aquatic ultrasonic scans, I decided to connect a DFRobot URM15 - 75KHZ ultrasonic sensor (via RS485-to-UART adapter module) and a DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor to Nano ESP32. To produce accurate ultrasonic images from single data points and match the given image shape (20 x 20 — 400 points), I added a DFRobot 6-axis accelerometer. Finally, I connected an SSD1306 OLED display and four control buttons to program a feature-rich user interface.
I also employed Nano ESP32 to transfer the produced ultrasonic scan data and the selected air bubble class to a basic web application (developed in PHP) via an HTTP POST request. In this regard, I was able to save each ultrasonic scan buffer with its assigned air bubble class to a separate text (TXT) file and construct my data set effortlessly. I shall clarify the remaining web application features below.
After completing constructing my ultrasonic scan data set, I built my artificial neural network model (ANN) with Edge Impulse to identify noxious air bubbles lurking in the underwater substrate. Considering the unique structure of ultrasonic imaging data, I employed the built-in Ridge classifier as the model classifier, provided by Edge Impulse Enterprise. As a logistic regression method with L2 regularization, the Ridge classification combines conventional classification techniques and the Ridge regression for multi-class classification tasks. Since Edge Impulse is nearly compatible with all microcontrollers and development boards, even for complex Sklearn linear models, I have not encountered any issues while uploading and running my advanced model on Nano ESP32. As labels, I simply differentiate the ultrasonic scan samples depending on the underwater air bubble presence:
- normal
- bubble
After training and testing my neural network model with the Ridge classifier, I deployed the model as an Arduino library and uploaded it to Nano ESP32. Therefore, the device is capable of identifying underwater air bubbles by running the neural network model without any additional procedures or latency.
Since UNIHIKER is an exceptionally compact single-board computer providing a built-in touchscreen, integrated Python modules, and micro:bit-compatible edge connector support, I decided to utilize UNIHIKER to collect chemical water quality test result (color-coded) images and run my object detection model. To capture image samples of multiple water quality tests, I connected a high-quality USB webcam to UNIHIKER. Then, I programmed a feature-rich user interface (GUI) and displayed the interactive interface on the built-in touchscreen by employing the integrated Python modules on Thonny.
After completing constructing my image data set, I built my object detection model with Edge Impulse to assess water pollution levels based on the applied chemical water quality tests. Since detecting water pollution levels based on color-coded chemical water quality tests is a complicated task, I decided to employ a highly advanced machine learning algorithm from the NVIDIA TAO Toolkit fully supported by Edge Impulse Enterprise — RetinaNet (which is an exceptional algorithm for detecting smaller objects). Since Edge Impulse Enterprise provides configurable backbones for RetinaNet and is compatible with nearly every development board, I have not encountered any issues while uploading and running my NVIDIA TAO RetinaNet object detection model on UNIHIKER. As labels, I utilized empirically assigned pollution levels while observing chemical water tests:
- sterile
- dangerous
- polluted
After training and testing my RetinaNet object detection model, I deployed the model as a Linux (AARCH64) application (.eim) and uploaded it to UNIHIKER. Thus, the device is capable of assessing water pollution levels based on the applied chemical water quality tests by running the object detection model independently without any additional procedures, reduced accuracy, or latency.
Even though this underwater air bubble and water pollution detection device is composed of two separate development boards, I focused on building full-fledged AIoT features with seamless integration and enabling the user to access the interconnected device features within feature-rich and easy-to-use interfaces. Therefore, I decided to develop a versatile web application from scratch in order to obtain the generated ultrasonic scan buffer (20 x 20 — 400 data points) with the selected air bubble class via an HTTP POST request from Nano ESP32 and save the received information as text (TXT) file. Furthermore, similar to the ultrasonic scan samples, the web application can save model detection results — buffer passed to the neural network model and the detected label — as text files in a separate folder.
Then, I employed the web application to communicate with UNIHIKER to generate a pre-formatted CSV file from the stored sample text files (ultrasonic scan data records) and transfer the latest neural network model detection result (ultrasonic scan buffer and the detected label) via an HTTP GET request.
As mentioned repeatedly, each generated ultrasonic scan buffer provides 400 data points as a 20 x 20 ultrasonic image despite the fact that Nano ESP32 cannot utilize the given buffer to produce an ultrasonic image after running the neural network model with the Ridge classifier. Therefore, after receiving the latest model detection result via the web application, I employed UNIKIHER to modify a template image (black square) via the built-in OpenCV functions to convert the given ultrasonic scan buffer to a JPG file and save the modified image to visualize the latest aquatic ultrasonic scan with thoroughly encoded pixels.
Since the RetinaNet object detection model provides accurate bounding box measurements, I also utilized UNIHIKER to modify the resulting images to draw the associated bounding boxes and save the modified resulting images as JPG files for further inspection.
After conducting experiments with both models and producing significant results, I decided to set up a basic Telegram bot to inform the user of the latest model detection results by transferring the latest generated ultrasonic image with the detected air bubble class and the latest modified resulting image of the object detection model. Since Telegram is a cross-platform cloud-based messaging service with a fully supported HTTP-based Bot API, Telegram bots can receive images from the local storage directly without requiring a hosting service. Thus, I was able to transfer the modified images (of both models) from UNIHIKER to the Telegram bot without establishing an SSL connection.
Considering the tricky operating conditions near an aquaculture facility and providing a single-unit device structure, I decided to design a unique PCB after testing all connections of the prototype via breadboards. Since I wanted my PCB design to represent the enchanting and mystique underwater aquatic life, I decided to design a Squid-inspired PCB. Thanks to the micro:bit-compatible edge connector, I was able to attach all components and development boards to the PCB smoothly.
Finally, to make the device as robust and compact as possible, I designed a complementing Aquatic-themed case (3D printable) with a modular holder encasing the PCB outline, a hang-on aquarium connector mountable to the PCB holder, a hang-on camera holder to place the high-quality USB webcam when standing idle, and a removable top cover allowing the user to attach sensors to the assigned slots. The semicircular-shaped mounting brackets are specifically designed to contain the waterproof temperature sensor.
So, this is my project in a nutshell 😃
In the following steps, you can find more detailed information on coding, collecting ultrasonic scan information, capturing chemical water quality test result images, building neural network and object detection models with Edge Impulse Enterprise, running the trained models on Nano ESP32 and UNIHIKER, developing a versatile web application, and setting up a Telegram bot to inform the user via push notifications.
🎁🎨 Huge thanks to ELECROW for sponsoring this project with their high-quality PCB manufacturing service.
🎁🎨 Huge thanks to DFRobot for sponsoring these products:
⭐ UNIHIKER | Inspect
⭐ URM15 - 75KHZ Ultrasonic Sensor | Inspect
⭐ Gravity: RS485-to-UART Signal Adapter Module | Inspect
⭐ Serial 6-Axis Accelerometer | Inspect
⭐ LattePanda 3 Delta 864 | Inspect
🎁🎨 Also, huge thanks to Anycubic for sponsoring a brand-new Anycubic Kobra 2 Max.