
PC104/ISA bus PC

PC104/ISA bus PC

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PC104/ISA bus PC. Salvaged from a skip. It had a 19" rack steel case and a monochrome CRT monitor, but no hard drive. I had to get rid of the case because it was heavy and took up too much space. I'm hoping I can put it to good use somehow.
This system used the ISA bus for expansion and an ISA bus LPT and COM port board.
I think the CPU is a 486. The fan power lead is missing.

Windows is not going to be practical with the 5" monochrome monitor, but my HDMI monitors have VGA inputs.

I shall look in my junk box for an old IDE CD ROM drive and an IDE hard drive. I have several of those.

Board manufacturer and type not visible on the PCB. I found the cryptic mark "BMBM-401" on the PCB underside copper. A web search led me to a vendor page, which expands the part number to SSC-5X86H VER C BMBM-401 94V-0 KBD.

94V is just a standard of PCB material.

A search for SSC-5X86H led to similar boards. Eventually I found this page:

It has the bios, drivers and a manual for it.

I'll be able to confirm more details when I power it up and read the sign-on screen.


Glue logic datasheet

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