
Rendering IC pinouts in html

A project log for Learning Python

Learning Python

keithKeith 05/20/2024 at 01:270 Comments

I often use html tables to show IC pinouts in my projects.

A while ago, I wrote a program in C to generate such tables with numbered pins.

I decided to convert this to python as a learning exercise.

I can't add html and styles direct to this page, so here are some screen shots.

My test page has all the common sizes up to 208 pins, which would have been very tedious to construct by hand.

I then extended it to add cells for pin names and signal directions.

Here is the Z80:

And here is the FT232H:

Chip objects take a set of signal names then map names to pins and vice versa. They then call functions inherited from their parent class to construct the table.


Added the ability to rotate the table by 45 degrees, by adding two buttons and a tiny amount of Javascript. You'll have to download, unzip and try it yourself.

To do:
