
The Delivery Machine entered my Postal Code wrong

A project log for Machine Eye

A low cost smart camera using cognitive programming to see more than what we can perceive. Inspired by RoboCop !

brenda-armourBrenda Armour 01/27/2017 at 20:110 Comments

Looks like they entered one digit incorrectly in my postal code. So after some considerable time on the phone we finally figured out where the mystery shipping address came from. The delivery machine failed :C but now I should receive the kit on Monday or Tuesday. So I'm doing some prep work to get the code set up. The Piface Display was a awesome first start but I want to modify the code to use on a Touch Screen for more robust output . The programming so far has been Python 3. I'll upload the Piface Display version on GitHub. If I have time I may tweak it for a remote control to activate a picture. At this point I'm just running the code I have dragged numerous toys in front of the camera and will be targeting humans, animal companions :) and outside scenery soon. Okay last video of my toys parading in front of the camera. I'm giving this effort 9/10. The machine thought my lamp bottom was a vase but was bang on with the sitting cat.

My initial setup follows the excellent learning website by Adafruit which can be found here. I have downloaded the image and will continue to setup my SD card for the display.


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