
Probing the wires.

A project log for 1999 vintage EV scooter rebuild

I’m bringing my 1999 Scoot’elec EV moped up to date with new lithium batteries and a complete rewire. It’ll have a few fun upgrades too!

mark-kelsallMark Kelsall 05/26/2024 at 08:490 Comments

In removing the old motor ECU, I've had to cut the old plug for ECU off. I've been working out what wires go where and labelling them.

The 12v power for the controls (motor start, emergency motor cutoff / horn / lights switch) all used to be produced from the motor ECU. So I have designed a new power system using the original wiring plus a 12v Lipo battery.

Also have designed a circuit for controlling the motor and ECU, which will be posted after I've tried it out. I am avoiding using any microprocessors in this bike I'm no programmer, and am doing everything with relay logic so it will be easy to repair and maintain without having a Github!
