
Automatic Cable Tester

Automated cable tester to speed testing of some fairly simple cables, that we tend to get in for repair in large quantities.

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The tester will tell you which end of the cable has an open circuit. It will also indicate short circuits and cross-wiring. It is in a robust Hammond cast aluminum box, so cables can be twisted and torqued to check for intermittent failures. This also aids when replacing the connector, as considerable torque must be applied to screw in the backshell.

Because of the exact nature of these cables, any broken or shorted wires anywhere but at the ends is due to obvious physical damage. Short circuits are always caused by someone mistakenly unscrewing the backshell of the connector while trying to disconnect it, and subsequent twisting of the wires. Physical manipulation by checking if the backshell can be turned or by flexing the wire will cause intermittent clearing of the short. Due to this, I determined that the additional circuitry to locate which end of the cable has a short was not necessary. Adding that function would complicate the circuit.

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