
September 3 2024: PCB updates

A project log for PicoGlitcher v2

A hardware device to carry out voltage glitching attacks against microcontrollers with a Raspberry Pi Pico

matthias-kesenheimerMatthias Kesenheimer 09/13/2024 at 07:330 Comments

First of all, the design of the PicoGlitcher is good and I have not found any major flaws yet. The PicoGlitcher works.

However, I have noticed that some of the PCB markings are hard to read, and some are even missing. The component placement is also not optimal, so I decided to update the PCB files. Soldering the small SMD components by hand was difficult (for me at least), so I decided to give PCB manufacturing with component placement a try.

I made a few changes to the design files, picked all the components from JLCPCB via the Assembly Parts Lib and uploaded the new gerber files. In order to automatically generate the BOM and the component placement file (CPL) in Fusion360, I used the library jlcpcb-eagle. With the gerber, the BOM and the CPL files ready, I was finally able to submit my order to JLCPCB. All the relevant files can be found on my github page. 

I was surprised at how easy the whole procedure was. The JLCPCB parts library is huge and if an exact part is not available, there is always an alternative. What's more, every step of the process is easy to understand. The component placement is displayed in an online tool that allows you to check that all the components have been placed correctly. Manufacturing and shipping was fast. I received my order within ten days.
