
General Update & Encoder Progress

A project log for Strain Wave Gear Robotic Arm

Mostly 3D Printed Strain Wave Gear Robotic Arm

jared-fensterJared Fenster 08/13/2024 at 07:090 Comments

I am planning on using the Moteus r4 for the motor drives as it is less expensive as the Odrive S1 especially if 6 are needed. These controllers are small and can be easily daisy chained with is very helpful for a robotic arm.

For the final design I plan to have all of the Joint calculations and simulation of the arm on a computer connected via ROS to the arm. Ideally the arm would subscribe to the angle publisher, drive the motors using that information and maybe if needed publisher the actual joint angles from the output encoders.

I am also looking into carbon fiber for the body of the arm where I am connecting the joints.
