
Software Update

A project log for Strain Wave Gear Robotic Arm

Mostly 3D Printed Strain Wave Gear Robotic Arm

jared-fensterJared Fenster 08/19/2024 at 01:290 Comments

Connected the raspberry pi 5 to my existing ROS2 package. I can now communicate over ROS2 topics between the two. In order to do this with Ubuntu-24.04 on WSL (on my separate PC) I needed to create a virtual switch on Hyper-v to get the correct IP to communicate to each other.

The plan is to have the WSL do the simulation and compute the Inverse Kinematics, then publish the Joint angles. The pi will subscribe to the joint angles, run the joints to the correct positions the finally publish the actual joint angles back to the WSL. This way I can always see where the arm needs to be and where the arm currently is. Both of these positions will be visualized with RVIZ running on the WSL

I have also ordered one more 90kv motor and 2 moteus r4 motor drivers.
