
Voight-Kampff - the beginning

A project log for Voight-Kampff Machine

Distinguishing Humans from Replicant's

tom-meehanTom Meehan 02/05/2017 at 07:230 Comments

My objective is to build a functional Voight-Kampff machine from the classic Sci-Fi Movie Blade Runner.

Leon's Voight-Kampff test

Rachel's Voight-Kampff test

Currently, I'm working on developing the software, integration of sensors and the actual body of the machine.

My plan is to exhibit this project at the Chicago 2017 Maker Faire.

I have much of the mechanics (arm raise, extension, and rotation of the eye sensor) worked out using servos and micro-controllers.

My current design calls for using a Raspberry Pi as the central processor for the VK. The sensors that I'm currently working on integrating are:

I aim to have it all contained in the classic Voight-Kampff machine with read outs from the sensors going to the 3 separate monitors (and the 2 LED Bar Graphs).


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