
Log 3: Rear Magnetic Body Mount V1

A project log for FCX18 Modding

Logs of my modifications for the FMS FCX18 LC80 RC Crawler

neatloaf7neatloaf7 06/27/2024 at 01:560 Comments

I had bought some 25x5x3mm neodymium bar magnets from Amazon when I bought the RC specifically for this purpose so I'm hoping they work.

There is a lot of room in the rear so I started designing those mounts first. I am going to reuse the stock mount holes on the body to install a magnet on. This initial design will use a tongue and groove sort of assembly so it will hopefully prevent any lateral movement.

The front has considerably less room to put anything compared to the front. The only room you have is between the front of the body and the battery tray, and some of that room is needed to make room for the server horn in compression. Initially I was going to include the front mounts in this log but I think that will need to be its own log.

These are the initial prototype models. For the bumper mount, I drew up the stock mount and just slapped a big box for the magnet on top. The mount that installs into the body is a simple cross bar with a protrusion for the magnet that will seat into the bumper mount. 

Clockwise from top left: Bumper mount; Body mount; Parts installed on RC; Cross section showing interface between mounts
