
Prototyping Business Card

A business card that circles back around - next time you need to prototype something up!

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A small prototyping stripboard that doubles as a contact card.

Hopefully a "one day" useful item that sparks up some future networking!

Can order these at any thickness desired - from "flex" (0.1-0.2mm) up to standard, FR4 (1.6mm).
Take the source files and modify as you see fit!

Shoutout to:

KiCad - a design tool that has come a long way in the past few years. Everyone should give it a try, support the project if you find it useful!

Digi-Key for open-source symbol/footprint libraries.

PCBWay! - They reached out and sponsored a second batch of boards. ENIG with 0.6mm overall thickness. Top notch job if you look closely at the new images uploaded. Thank you for supporting the project!

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