
Reflector 2

A project log for Super flashlight

Large flashlight based on a 60W equivalent bulb

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 07/17/2024 at 04:320 Comments

This one was set back to capture all the light from the LEDs.  It can only be offset by the difference between the heat sink & LEDs.

It was offset to more closely center the LEDs.

After 2 test prints, the clips were still off, but a good enough compromise between time & accuracy.  The margins have to be loose.

The PETG laminations have already come apart from inserting the shroud.

It was slightly larger than reflector 1.

This one made an easily visible difference in brightness.  Definitely worth it when weight doesn't matter.  Still probably not worth it on a headlamp.

After all that work, it occurred to the lion kingdom that a 12V MR16 would probably give better results than any home made reflector, be more efficient, more compact.  It's just a matter of higher cost  & weight.
