
Plans for Version 2 of MonkeyBot

A project log for MonkeyBot V2 - 3 servo climbing robot

This is a 3 servo, Arduino Nano controlled robot that climbs pegs on a board.

jimrdjimrd 02/05/2017 at 08:350 Comments

Have decided to work on version 2 of MonkeyBot which will use robotic standard sized servos (15kg capacity) using mechanical brackets (no hotglued servos for this version) so as to be able to carry its own power supplies. Also I will be using this version to experiment in the future with variable direction claws or hands which will make this robot more versatile in it's ability to climb different peg orientations.


1. Make robot untethered and able to carry own power supply.

1. Try orienting both hands in the same direction ( perpendicular to servos) so the robot should be able to climb a standard ladder structure.

2. Engineer a rotating cuff between the hand and the arm so as to be able to change the direction of the hand so that the robot should be able to orient to different climbing structures on the fly.

Servos have been ordered and am impatiently waiting to get started on Version 2.
