
PWMing the low and high sides

A project log for Brushless Motor and Driver Business Card Kit

Learn how to build your own brushless motor and control it with a Brushless Biz Card!

andy-geppertAndy Geppert 06/30/2024 at 03:500 Comments

We do these things to learn! I was thinking I could just PWM the low sides, but it's not making sense to me to do that. So after wrestling with that concept, I'm going to PWM the high side too. The drive circuit is alive and well, and I'm able to make coils buzz, bi-color LEDs alternate, and an external factory made brushless motor warble. Taken as a whole, all good progress.

Tomorrow I'll see if I can get all 6 FETs oscillating with a pseudo-sine wave. So far I have a pseudo sine running on each channel individually, but I need to tie them all together to get an external motor to run first. Then maybe the built-in one?
