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A project log for Brushless Motor and Driver Business Card Kit

Learn how to build your own brushless motor and control it with a Brushless Biz Card!

andy-geppertAndy Geppert 07/02/2024 at 03:550 Comments

This is my last log entry prior to the close of the contest. But not my last entry in this project by any means! I've learned a lot, but have more to do! Video summary follows.

I didn't get the control scheme refined, or have time to try and implement the capacitive touch buttons. But I'm satisfied with the results because there is a lot of promise. The fact that it drives pre-made motors nicely means that I need some refinement in the motor construction on the board. I have ideas to improve that. But I'll need to step away from active work on this until later this fall. Other projects call, but it has been a blast bringing this one to life in a hurry!

Unfinished business:

If you are interested in collaborating and/or remixing it to make it your own, I'd love to hear from ya!
