
Minimum Viable Product!

A project log for Persistence of Vision Business Card

A circuit in the business card form factor that uses persistence of vision and hand actuation to scroll contact information using LEDs.

dtw-projectsDTW Projects 06/28/2024 at 22:450 Comments

I have finally achieved an MVP! There are certainly more opportunities for optimization and improvement, for starters:

Nevertheless, I can get the card to display my website "DTWPROJECTS.COM". Unfortunately, rolling shutter frustrates the effects to a certain extent (I had to pull out an osmo pocket and turn the shutter speed as low as it would go - 24 fps).

I had to work around some faulty issues with the X axis gyro I was sampling to detect up and down motion. I was able to get around the faulty gyro by switching to the Y gyro. It's slightly less effective but seems to work well enough. I may test with another gyro but this iteration should suffice for displaying contact details. It's probably not going to win any prizes but I can now officially consider this a business card :)
