
Reflow.Card Dev Log 5 6.21.24

A project log for Reflow.Card

A 2 PCB USB-C PD powered reflow hotplate in the form factor of a business for on the go reflow soldering

gangwa-labsGangwa Labs 06/30/2024 at 19:090 Comments

This Dev Log is pulled straight from my notes

- [x] complete Schematic ✅ 2024-06-24
- [x] Add all JLCPCB part numbers to components ✅ 2024-06-24

- found new buck converter to step down 20v pd signal to power esp32
- Found inductor for buck converter (C2827354)
- Found Diode for buck converter SS54 (C22452)
- Recycled MOSFET from PD switch for Load switch for Heater
