
OpenMote Gen 3.0 boards!

A project log for OpenMote: Arduino-Compatible Controller for Makers

Transform Your Old Wii Remotes into a Versatile Tool for Home Automation, Gaming, and DIY Projects

gangwa-labsGangwa Labs 15 hours ago0 Comments

BIG announcement for openmote coming soon! PS. We're re-launching better than ever! Expect a TON more documentation and social posts about it soon!

OpenMote has been slowly improving in the background and I'm more than proud to announce that our most recent generation of designs is ready to hit the shelves! (well metaphorical shelves) complete with an micro SD card reader for those large audio files. A QWIIC connector for any additional boards that you want to add on, thanks everyone who joined us in the adafruit show and tell streams for this amazing add on.

Some Quality of life improvements we made were:

- moving the LiPo connector to be accessible from the back battery clip

- Moving the Qwiic connector to be accessible again from the back battery clip

- finally put the IR Leds on the board (control your TV with a wii remote?!)

- a bunch of other under the hood things that will make working with openmote a makers dream

enjoy this artsy picture of our hotel room for CES 2025 this year where we were hard at work writing code and testing 3d prints for OpenMote Gen3.0
