
Todo list for rev 2

A project log for RPi Pico Video4

A RPI Pico RP2040 board with 4 composite video outputs, 8 inputs and switched power

magicwolfiMagicWolfi 07/05/2024 at 01:050 Comments

1) Change D11,D13,D16,D18 to common anode ESD diodes LCSC C122858 MMBT15VA
2) Change R19 and R72 to 10K, to adjust LED brightness 
3) Move RCD matrix away from J6 to make room for shrouded conn
4) Change 12V IN label to 5-12V
5) +12V fill top layer straight line
6) Change buttons to something more user-friendly
7) Change R16, R33 to 1MOhm in the Mfr PN field.
8) Move GPIO15,21,22 testpoints to the top as proper TH testpoints
9) Make the housing pads of J8 larger to the outside and fix the "QWIIC" spelling error.

10)Adjust TH rows of VGA connector for low profile version

11) Fix pin mapping on QWIIC connector J8 (For obvious compatibility reasons you must follow the same pinout: GND / 3.3V / SDA / SCL.)

12) Add an uSD card slot for a boatload of storage (use SPI, not SPI1)
