A compact pentesting drone that's both small and inexpensive based on the AstroRC Carbonfly.

Full dimensions are 145x120x58mm, the full drone stays below a weight of 250g.

In its current state it is flying and we got a working connection to the Ticwatch via ssh reverse listener and currently retesting the following tools:

There's limitations, the programs run quite wonky and currently there's no known way to attach a second network adapter to it so it has to be adapted to very specific use cases. The chipset however does seem to support monitor mode which is impressive.

Advantages Over Directional Antennas:

The hacking drones we have seen are bulky and loud. We want to create a more stealthy yet functional drone.


The idea is to have a mobile server capable of remotely scanning networks in usually inaccessible areas, while keeping the design simple enough to be reproducible. Though we try to keep things as DIY-friendly as possible, assembling the electronics and installing the custom ROM will be challenging if you're a complete beginner.

Components and Construction

This project uses an AstroRC 2.0'' frame and components as its base (https://astrorc.net/products/2-5-inch-carbonfly-2). Construction requires soldering skills and experience with assembling FPV drones, as the assembly video is in Mandarin.

Initially, we used a Raspberry Pi Zero W with an LTE module and battery, the first sketch below is the result of that. However, this setup was overly complicated and too heavy for the small, originally used 2-inch propellers.

We discovered the Kali team’s documentation for installing NetHunter on a TicWatch Pro 3 LTE (https://www.kali.org/docs/nethunter/installing-nethunter-on-the-ticwatch-pro3/), which was perfect for this purpose. Surprisingly, no other drone platform had implemented this.

The design evolved from a rough sketch to a more balanced design with extended rotor protection, landing feet, and a watch container inspired by lidar. The current design is flat and light, featuring a watch case and rotor protection with opposing landing gear, making it easier to print and assemble.

Parts printed in high quality on an A1 Mini in about 1.20h

The final 3D printing files are straightforward and don't require supports, they are suitable for various filaments with implemented tolerances, we have tried both PETG and PLA but ASA could be an interesting candidate as well, without any of them being too heavy for the drone. We designed the parts using Tinkercad, Fusion360, and ZBrush.

Test Flight of the current design, parts and load is well balanced now, the Nethunter software is still fairly wonky though and we're contemplating of going back to a raspberry pi if it can't be improved.

We reverse engineered parts of the original Carbonfly and modified it with landing gear that is out of the way of the propellers and a wider frame, Currently we're using 2.3'' propellers that have been slightly shortened via pliers.

Here's a documentation on how we got an ssh tunnel working reliably, it uses a crontab to automatically enable it later, however you will still need to enable ssh at boot as well if it's not already enabled by default. This also requires a public ip address, we used one of our servers for this.

Some of the commands below will have to be entered via custom command option in nethunter, if you have a bluetooth keyboard you might be able to avoid some of the hassle but this only occured to us in retrospect, the commands below are designed as one-shots, meaning you wont have to enter a response in terminal when you fire them up.

## 1. Generating an SSH Key
Run this command to generate an SSH key without needing to press Enter on the TicWatch

mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -N ""

## 2. Copy the Public Key to the Remote Server
On the TicWatch, display the public key:

cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub

On the remote server, add the key to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`:

nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Paste the key, save, and exit

Set correct permissions:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

## 3. Testing SSH Access from TicWatch to Remote Server

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -p 22000 user@remote.server.ip

If successful, the key is working!

## **4. Creating the Reverse SSH Tunnel**
Run this command on the TicWatch:

ssh -R 4444:localhost:22 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "ServerAliveInterval=60" -o "ServerAliveCountMax=3" -N -f -p 22000 user@remote.server.ip

This forwards port 4444 on the remote server to the TicWatch’s port 22.

On the remote server, test if the tunnel is active:

netstat -tulnp | grep 4444

To SSH into the TicWatch from the remote server:

ssh -p 4444 user@localhost

## 5. Fix: Ensure SSH Server is Running on TicWatch
If "Connection reset by peer" appears when trying to SSH, restart the SSH server:

sudo service ssh restart

Then check if SSH is running:

pgrep -a sshd

## 6. Making the Tunnel Persistent
### Create a Background Monitoring Script
Create the script:

sudo nano /data/local/check_ssh.sh



sleep 60  # Wait for Wi-Fi to connect

while true; do
    if ! pgrep -f "ssh -R 4444"; then
        ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -R 4444:localhost:22 -N -f -p 22000 user@remote.server.ip
    sleep 10

Modify, save and exit

Make it executable:

sudo chmod +x /data/local/check_ssh.sh

### Start the Script at Boot

(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "@reboot nohup /data/local/check_ssh.sh &") | crontab -

This ensures the SSH tunnel restarts every 10 seconds if it stops.

## 7. Troubleshooting SSH Tunnel Issues
### Check if the Tunnel is Running on Remote Server

netstat -tulnp | grep 4444

If no output, restart the tunnel from the TicWatch:

pkill -f "ssh -R 4444"
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -R 4444:localhost:22 -N -f -p 22000 user@remote.server.ip

### Ensure SSH is Running on the TicWatch

sudo service ssh restart

### Check SSH Connectivity from TicWatch

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -p 22000 user@remote.server.ip

If SSH works, the tunnel should now be permanently accessible from the remote server and from here on out you'll be able to mess with the functions of kali nethunter via remote shell!

Furthermore, If you'd like to run more programs through the watch without having to have them locally we figured out a half reliable way to do it through proxychains

To do this it's crucial that you have your ssh keys on the drone so you won't have to enter a password to access it, this has caused us complications, for which reason we can't tell at this point.

Next you'll have to set up a SOCKS Proxy to allow the server to route traffic through the remote device:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -D -N -f -p 4444 user@localhost

This results in local traffic to be routed through the port here being a free one of our choosing.

The next thing you'll have to spend some time on, modify this script so it suits you:


# Define connection details

# Function to check if SOCKS proxy is running
is_proxy_running() {
    netstat -tulnp | grep -q ":$PROXY_PORT"

# Function to kill stale SOCKS proxy processes
kill_stale_proxy() {
    local pid
    pid=$(pgrep -f "ssh -D$PROXY_PORT")
    if [[ -n "$pid" ]]; then
        echo "Killing stale SOCKS proxy process: $pid" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
        kill -9 "$pid"

# Check if the SSH tunnel is active
if nc -z localhost "$REMOTE_PORT"; then
    echo "✔ Remote device is connected! Starting SOCKS proxy..." | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"

    # Ensure no stale proxy is running before starting a new one

    # Start SOCKS proxy if not running
    if ! is_proxy_running; then
        echo "Starting SOCKS proxy on port $PROXY_PORT..." | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
        ssh -i "$SSH_KEY" -D$PROXY_PORT -N -f -p "$REMOTE_PORT" "$REMOTE_USER@localhost"
        echo "✔ SOCKS proxy started successfully on port $PROXY_PORT" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
        echo "✔ SOCKS proxy is already running on port $PROXY_PORT" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
    echo "Remote device is not connected. No proxy started." | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"

This script will ensure that the SOCKS proxy only starts when the connection is active. All stale SOCK instances will be killed before starting a new one, no one likes stale SOCKS and all events will be logged.

Be sure to make this script executable and try it out before making it either permanent via crontab or our preferred, potentially more reliable solution via Systemd (Script here needs the user changed):

Description=Auto-start SOCKS Proxy when TicWatch connects

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/dolanes/start_proxy.sh


Lastly, before we get to testing it out, configure the ProxyChains config to include this at the very least, subnet value might need to be changed:

# Use Dynamic Chaining

# Proxy DNS requests - prevents DNS leaks
proxy_dns remote_dns_subnet 224

# Allow LAN traffic (important for 192.168.x.x scans)

# Set a proper timeout
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000

# Define the proxy to use with your ticwatch
socks5 9051

That's it!

Next run a bunch of tests on it to see if the routing works:

Test Public IP Routing - IP needs to match the one of the ticwatch

proxychains4 curl https://api64.ipify.org

Test DNS Resolution - DNS should resolve correctly

proxychains4 nslookup scanme.nmap.org

Test External Scanning - if it gives you a positive scan result, you're good to go

proxychains4 nmap -sT -Pn -p 80,443 scanme.nmap.org

Now the sky is the limit!

(As long as you don't use monitor mode without a timed script reconnecting you to your ssh tunnel)

Metasploit "works"

Can this compete with proprietary drones performance wise? - No

Is it really fun to mess around with though? - Yes and in theory it all works, it's just wonky but enjoyably wonky so far.

Future Plans

We're working on getting the stand by mode to work on the flight controller, this would allow the drone to take off after completing it's job even if it takes longer than a few hours. However, even without that feature one could land this drone for a contracted pentest, get at least two days of access on a fully charged Ticwatch and then later collect it.

This project has been made possible due to a collaboration with Chris from Techno's hackerspace in Berlin for the drone components and assembly, foxo from the foxolab hackerspace in Monza for the software and further hardware development, Lauwura for troubleshooting and concept design by QuackieDuckie.

A full bill of recommended can be found below but generic parts going with the AstroRC kit will do, especially if you're already into drones and got some reusable stuff laying around. The camera cage can hold a nano sized fpv camera.

Despite the software flaws, the current build is usable, with some minor tweaking needed for some of the features described in the video below and perhaps people here will come up with some neat ideas as well.

If you're a software guy with experience in Kali Nethunter hit us up on here!

Special Thanks to ligi, lassulus and zet from c-base for helping with getting networking to work properly.