
Building a simple GPS Tracker

A project log for RP2040 MiniPill LoRa

Raspberry Pi Pico based LoRa Board

dominik-kuhnDominik Kuhn 01/19/2025 at 19:160 Comments

As you can see in the picture gallery of the project, we would like to add a GPS module to our board. To test the software and the hardware ( schematic), we have built a setup on a breadboard a few days ago. This setup shows us that we can go on with the design of our new board. At the same time, it shows us again in a very impressive way how simple the development of new applications are. Just by copying the code example below (coming soon) we can build a GPS Tracker with our setup.  It sends the current position every 5 minutes via TTN (The Things Network) to our application.  For this we have inserted a library into our MicroPython port to be able to use many different GPS modules. In this case we have used a Quectel LC86L GNSS module. 
