
A smart toilet seat to detect heart failure?

A project log for Early and low cost detection of Heart Failure

Heart Failure is a debilitating condition that most old people encounters. A PoC uses coded signals, Doppler and a sound ML classifier.

jean-pierre-le-rouzicJean Pierre Le Rouzic 03/23/2019 at 09:130 Comments

With my setup there are many problems, not in it's principle which is sound (well S4 sounds) but in practical:

It has problems detecting heart sounds with obese people, women with ample breast.

Some smart guys have a better proposal: A smart toilet seat!

The toilet seat–based cardiovascular monitoring system is completely self-contained, battery-powered, wireless, and cleanable with all sensors and electronics instrumentation integrated inside of the seat. It can measure the electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmogram (PPG), and the ballistocardiogram (BCG).

I wish them a lot of success :-)
