8Axis LinuxCNC-RIO controller-board
* open source
* usable for Mill's/Laser/Lathes and robots
* 8 x Opto-Inputs (5/24V switchable)
* 8 x Outputs (5/24V switchable) / can also used fror PWM/RC-Servo-Outputs and many more
* 8 x Stepper-Axis
* 3 x Eingänge Encoder with Index-Pulse (3.3Volt level)
* 2 x I2C Ports (3.3Volt level)
* 1 x modbus-rtu
* 1 x WLED Output + one ws2812b onboard
* 1 x PMOD Connector
* Voltage- und Current-Monitoring
* Size: 100x100mm
* FPGA: https://eu.robotshop.com/de/pr…h-icewerx-ice40-hx8k-fpga * Ethernet: wt32-eth01
* Kicad project