This project was inspired by the device made by The Big One willing to build a reasonably good power supply for a hobby kind of projects. My power supply shall provide 2 variable voltage outputs (-12V..0, 0..+12V) under current control. In personal practice I rarely need currents over 1A, while negative voltage is just a good option to have. Most of my projects could be satisfied from fixed +3.3V and +5V low current sources, but sometimes is worth to see how my HW design would work under variation of power. Started from pure functional needs this project gradually spins off to a kind of incremental design work where each step was driven by previous.
Majority of hobby like projects can be sourced from simple power regulator chips like 7805 or 7117 which are working well enough. A higher power can be taken from popular ATX suppliers under some limitations. Looking on the design of The Big One I was love to repeat it but considering my needs decided to limit it to 2 channels of -12 and +12V in a solid design (single board). Having some of things I adopted design to my existing stuff as a true hacker. In such a way the design was mainly resource based targeting to build a good power supply reusing what I had.