
Progress made in companion app

A project log for Open source hackable smart watch with app

Develop an open source simple smart watch with companion smart phone app that can be used by others to make their own

jeff-vJeff V 09/06/2024 at 13:560 Comments

I've made some progress on the companion app thanks to this nice tutorial from expo that I've linked before:

It provides not only the finished code for the tutorial, but some started code to follow along as well.

Strictly speaking (not sure if that's the right phrase), this tutorial is very similar to what I'm trying to accomplish with this project: a way for people to start with an idea for a Bluetooth smart device that connects to a phone app.

I also added an objective for myself to receive data from the watch. In terms of an open source project someone can pick up and run with, this would be a good thing to have available as a starting point.
