
Various industrial equipment is essential for the adequate production of products, parts and other services. Ensuring the proper functioning of this equipment is essential to maintain production quality, reduce material losses and costs of manufacturing processes.

Machines are subject to excessive vibration, misalignment and other types of mechanical stress during operation. Equipment that operates outside of ideal vibration and alignment parameters is more likely to experience unexpected failures.

Without proper monitoring, these issues can go unnoticed until they cause significant failures. Problems not detected early can lead to more severe damage to equipment and every hour of machine downtime not only represents an immediate loss of production, but also affects the overall efficiency of the production line.

And this has major impacts and consequences, such as:

  • This results in unplanned production stoppages, leading to significant downtime while equipment is repaired or replaced.
  • The costs associated with repairs can be substantial depending on the extent of the damage. In extreme cases, complete replacement of damaged equipment may be necessary, resulting in high additional costs.
  • This can result in products that are defective or below expected quality standards, leading to additional rework costs, product rejection and potential loss of customers due to dissatisfaction.

To solve these problems and reduce impacts on manufacturing processes, we developed an electronic board with ESP32 and the MPU6050 sensor. The ESP32 is the heart of the project and will be able to read data from the MPU6050 sensor, process it and send this information to some service over the internet.

With real-time data provided by the MPU6050, operators and technicians can be alerted to abnormal conditions. This allows for rapid, scheduled interventions to prevent catastrophic failures and reduce unplanned downtime. By optimizing equipment maintenance and operation, the MPU6050 can help increase overall production efficiency, reducing operating costs and improving the reliability of manufactured products.

Implementing technologies like the MPU6050 not only helps avoid the high costs associated with industrial equipment failures, but also contributes to the operational and financial sustainability of companies, ensuring more efficient and profitable operations. Next, we will present the complete design of the printed circuit board presented below.

Electronic Schematic of the Project

The electronic circuit of the printed circuit board is divided into 6 electronic blocks. All of them are presented in the figure below.

The heart of this project is the ESP32. It will be responsible for reading the signals from the MPU6050 sensor and transferring this data over the internet. Its basic operating circuit is shown in the electronic schematic above. It consists of a set of buttons, decoupling capacitor and pins for code transfer (+3V3, TXD, RXD, and GND).

This electronic board aimed to be small, easy to attach anywhere and operate with low energy consumption using a Li-Ion battery. Below we have the connector for connecting a Li-Ion battery cell.

To ensure adequate power supply to the system, we used a DC-DC boost converter to raise the voltage to 5V and we used a +3V3 voltage regulator to regulate the voltage to power the ESP32. In future updates, if necessary, we will use the 5V voltage to power other circuits.

Below we present the circuit block of the DC-DC boost converter. We use the TPS61023 CHIP to supply +5V from the Li-Ion battery input voltage.

In various battery-powered electronic projects, it is essential to ensure that the battery can power the device for an extended period. This aims to provide a long operating time for the application. To ensure this, we include a circuit for monitoring the battery's voltage and current using the INA219 sensor.

What is the purpose of the INA219 sensor?

The INA219 sensor...

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