

KiCad component and example project for creating Raspberry Pi Zero Shields/Hats with USB and power lines

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PiZeroHat KiCad library includes schematic symbols with D+, D- USB lines and +5V_USB and GND lines to power Raspberry Pi Zero properly, and a footprint with 2x20 RPi connector, pogo-pin's points and 2.75mm fixture holes for M2.5 stand-offs.

You can use it to create Pi Zero-based devices with onboard USB peripherals and advanced power circuits. For example USB-hubs and Ethernet drivers or other USB peripherals.

I've used a 10mm stand-off because of the 2x20 connector height. If you find a shorter connector, you can shorten the standoffs and use shorter pogo pins.

The goal was to make a PiZeroHat for cases then you need USB lines onboard with a complete 2x20 Pi connector to use also I2C, SPI and Pi GPIOs on your Hat.

Pogo pins will work with:
- Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3
- Raspberry Pi Zero W (see note below)
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (see note below)

> [!NOTE]
> PiZeroHat will work with Zero W and Zero 2W only if the ferrite ring is installed on D+ and D- pog

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kadirkurals wrote 07/17/2024 at 13:16 point

Unfortunately, my license is not suitable for this.

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kadirkurals wrote 07/17/2024 at 12:31 point

Can you make the same library in Altium?

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Vasily Zhuravsky wrote 07/17/2024 at 13:04 point

As I know you can import it in Altium now. If it will work please let me know

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