

A project log for Magfest Swadge 2024

An ESP32-S2 handheld game system

gelakineticgelakinetic 07/26/2024 at 22:270 Comments

Everybody knows that developing and debugging an embedded application is slower than a desktop one. That's why the Swadge project has two compilation targets, the ESP32-S2, and a desktop application.

It's not an emulator, because we're not emulating the ESP32-S2. Instead, we reimplemented the APIs we're using from the ESP IDF, as well as our own APIs for any hardware peripherals. It's not perfect, since horribly inefficient code can run with no problem on the simulator and with many, many problems on the actual hardware. It's more than good enough to quickly prototype a game, debug with gdb, fix memory issues with asan, make sure graphics are pixel-perfect, and get everything working before ironing out any last few bits on real hardware.
