Huzzah! I've finally worked out how to start all of the browser window I want, and have them automatically placed in different workspaces. If you've seen the previous logs you'll have seen how you can then tab through the different workspaces using the touch sensors to show all the different apps or HomeAssistant dashboards.
This took a huge amount of banging my head against the Wayfire (the window manager) documentation, and I'm honestly still not sure what an app_id or a window "title" is... But, it works! Huzzah!

You can see all of the instructions in the readme in the GitHub repo here:
But then Hackaday put out this article about how Raspberry Pi OS has now abandoned Wayfire and has moved to something called Labwc for window management: RASPBERRY PI OS’S WAYLAND TRANSITION COMPLETED WITH SWITCH TO LABWC

So yeah, there are a bunch of questions I don't have the answer to:
- From what version will Labwc be the default? No idea, the announcement is completely vague
- If I apt-upgrade will Labwc be set as the default? No idea
- Is there any documentation for Labwc? Ha, no
So at some point the autostart script will stop working, so I guess I'll find out when that happens. This will likely affect the autostart settings that automatically open the defined browser windows, as well as the way the touch sensors are used to change workspace. I don't believe it will affect the presence sensor and the automatic backlight dimming (but who really knows...)
There isn't really any good documentation for Labwc, so I don't have any plans to update the script to use it, at least until this thing on my wall breaks, and I'm forced to do something about it. Sigh...
Anyway, setting all of that crap aside, this project is now pretty much complete. There are a few things that I still want to do, specifically:
- Reprint the case now that I've solved the z-wobble on my 3d printer
- Redesign the case so that a light sensor can be included, as well as making the sensor brackets more modular. This might include a mounting position for a microphone board that could be used by Rhasspy or other voice assistants
- Redesign how the face is mounted. I'm not a huge fan of how the screws are visible on the front, and I really don't like the bed texture on the front of the faceplate. I do want to redesign it to be attached with magnets which could solve both of these issues
But, I don't have a timeframe for any of that, and I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.
So with that said, thanks everyone for the views and likes. If anyone has printed their own version of this, I'd love to see it, and until next we meet, have a good one!
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