For adaptive gaming setups, traditionally a lap tray with hook and loop fasteners (such as Velcro) is used to keep switches and joysticks in position. Hook and loop fasteners have the advantage of being easily adjustable and relatively secure. However, for some this lap tray is too big, or they want to have their gear on a tabletop instead. Lap trays also go in and out of stock, and don't easily hide the many cables going to the various switches and joysticks. 

This project aims to create an open-source, maker-manufacturable tray for mounting gaming assistive technology (AT), made with commonly available materials. This tray should be modular and expandable, and should allow the AT (switches and joysticks) to be placed in positions that work best for the user. The idea with this tray is that the user would already have an idea of what positions they would like their AT positioned in, and this would be for their final setup. A commonly requested feature is some form of cable management; a way to keep the cables organized, neat, and out of the way. 

This project is currently in the early stages of design and we are looking for ideas. Are there certain features you think should be included? Do you have an idea for how to create a modular tray or how the AT should interface with the tray? Please leave ideas in the discussion section!